Teeth whitening

If you are planning teeth whitening or are looking for more information about this treatment, in this text I will describe a little more about the technique I use, which has proven to be the best so far. It is a whitening technique with individual splints. What distinguishes it from other methods is that in this case you do the teeth whitening at home, not us in the office, and the process is very natural and simple.
Teeth whitening at home
This teeth whitening method is one of the most requested dental procedures today. Compared to other methods, whitening with splints provides a safer and gentler approach to whitening for a beautifully white smile. Also, this is a great method for all those who have sensitive teeth, because 10-16% carbamide peroxide gels are used, which are very mild and cannot harm your enamel, like some other, slightly more aggressive methods used .
The gel is placed in individually made splints and worn according to the instructions of the doctor of dental medicine (usually at night). This method of whitening is considered the “gold standard” because of its safe results and significantly less tooth sensitivity caused by whitening.
Whitening with disposable splints – Opalescence Go
Opalescence, as the world’s leading brand of teeth whitening products, has developed pre-filled disposable splints for worry-free teeth whitening at home. 6% hydrogen peroxide is used for bleaching. Splints are worn for 60-90 minutes every day, and excellent results can be expected in 4-10 days. Teeth whitening has never been simpler and easier!
Does teeth whitening hurt?
Absolutely not! I have already mentioned that the whitening process is carried out in such a way that you apply the gel yourself at home, usually during the night. If you’ve ever worn temporary braces, this is what it looks like. There’s no reason to worry.
Tips for white teeth
What will definitely help preserve the whiteness of your teeth is consuming quality foods. The food you put into your body every day has a lot of effect on your health, but also on the color of your teeth, and if your diet is based on sweets, carbonated juices and if you drink coffee, teeth whitening will not be able to have a long-lasting effect.
What I must mention, and what is important for you to know, is that the effect of whitening is different for each person, and that it depends a lot on that person’s habits. Each person’s teeth have a certain level to which they can be whitened. Some will get a wow effect after the first application of the gel, while others will need several applications. What I can promise you is that your teeth will really be much more beautiful than before, and if you follow certain tips, their whiteness can last a really long time.
Book an appointment
We are available for you every working day from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and on Saturday – by appointment.
Please schedule an examination or ask a question, and our friendly staff will contact you as soon as possible.